
Tools and strategies for Careful Innovation. How to promote cautious, ethical and meaningful progress for better impact on people and planet.

Businesses turn natural resources and human labor into value.

This conversion does not have to be a negative sum transaction.

Businesses turn natural resources and human labor into value.

This conversion does not have to be a negative sum transaction.

Built on experiences from…

  • IKEA

  • SONY

  • Spotify

  • Google

  • Toyota

  • Boeing

  • Jabra

  • IKEA

  • SONY

  • Spotify

  • Google

  • Toyota

  • Boeing

  • Jabra

  • IKEA

  • SONY

  • Spotify

  • Google

  • Toyota

  • Boeing

  • Jabra



Careful Innovation is true to the original meaning of disruptive innovation as coined by Clay Christensen. Here is a growing repository of strategies that anyone working with innovation can use in their daily work.

Ethics as a Strategy

Unearth ethical business opportunities before your competitors do.

Problems over Solutions

Pivot around amazing problems. Not solutions.

Reframe Outcomes

Change human behavior for better impact on people & planet.

Eliminate Idea Ownership

Empower ideators to build on each other instead of against each other.

Eliminate Idea Ownership

Encourage ideators to build on each other instead of against.

Long Term Thinking

Encourage focusing on future outcomes rather than the next quarter

Long Term Thinking

Focus on future outcomes rather than next quarter

Culture of Feedback

Nurture an atmosphere where diverse voices can be heard.

Culture of Feedback

Focus on future outcomes rather than next quarter

Complement Competitors

Competition is great for progress but unhealthy competition is not good for anyone.

Don't Start with Tech

Look for old problems that can be solved with emerging tech.




Here are some tools for the careful innovator to use in their daily work or when they are faced with important decisions or dilemmas.

Impactful User Stories

Craft micro-strategies for teams who are working on innovation

Escalator Principle

Build your solutions to work without ideal conditions.

Leaps and Loops

Pinpoint the most likely path to finding meaningful opportunities.

Principles as Algorithms

Create your path before reactionary work takes you to places you don’t want.

Good Busy Bad Busy

Map your tasks according to your own priorities beyond reactive work.

Self-looping Cycles

Create positive feedback loops that self-reinforce over time.

Funeral Exercise

Determine your own long-term values and goals.

Scale on Savings

Save on resources or labor where a small change will make a diiference.

Positive Gain

Balance the wins of your company with the substrate it feeds on.

Fifth Vital Metric

All businesses have five main metrics that they monitor.

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©️ 2024 Bilgi Karan